Kode Sitemap HTML - Daftar Isi Blog Berdasarkan Tanggal Publikasi

Romeltea | Follow @romel_tea
Kode Sitemap HTML - Daftar Isi Blog Berdasarkan Tanggal Publikasi

Kode Sitemap HTML - Daftar Isi Blog Berdasarkan Tanggal Publikasi. Sitemap HTML adalah halaman statis berisi daftar postingan blog. Lihat DEMO.

Berikut ini kodenya. Copas di halaman Sitemap blog Anda, pada mode HTML.

Kode Sitemap HTML Tanggal Publikasi

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An HTML sitemap is the key to success. Search engines read your sitemap and use it to crawl your site — meaning they send a bot to the webpage to “read” it. Google bot and other search engine crawlers then determine what’s on that page.

This is the first step in getting your page to show up in search results. Basically, the HTML sitemap helps search engines categorize your website, making it more accessible for search engines and humans alike. Below, we explain just what a sitemap is and how to create one.

What Is an HTML Sitemap?

An HTML sitemap is a file that lists all the important pages of your website that you want search engines like Google and Bing to index. Indexing refers to how search engines gather your landing pages and store them in their database. The search engine refers to this database to respond to user search engine queries. If a homepage is not indexed, it can’t be found and won’t rank in search engine results.

The sitemap doesn’t just list the pages on your website. It also contains information about each page, such as when it was created and last updated and its significance relative to the website’s other pages. Creating a sitemap is a critical first SEO step for new websites. However, even if you have an older website, it’s worth making a sitemap.

Google recommends sitemaps for large websites of more than 500 pages, but most experts agree it’s worth establishing a sitemap as soon as you create a website.

Why? Your website isn’t stagnant. It’s constantly evolving. For example, if you have a blog, you’re probably adding new pages every week. As you add pages, having a sitemap will make it easier for search engine robots to find and categorize those pages.*

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