Say NO to Clickbait Journalism - Judul Berita Jebakan Klik

Romeltea | Follow @romel_tea
Say NO to Clickbait Journalism - Judul Berita Jebakan Klik

Clickbait is a pejorative term describing web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, especially at the expense of quality or accuracy, relying on sensationalist headlines or eye-catching thumbnail pictures to attract click-throughs and to encourage forwarding of the material over online social networks.

Clickbait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make the reader curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content. (Wikipedia).

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2 comments on Say NO to Clickbait Journalism - Judul Berita Jebakan Klik

  1. test commentum on say no to clickbait journalism, new version of yellow journalism alias jurnalisme abal-abal or unprofessional!

    1. Tes Balas Komentar on test commentum on say no to clickbait journalism, new version of yellow journalism alias jurnalisme abal-abal or unprofessional!


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